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Best Mosquito Killer

Mosquitoes are probably the most dangerous animals in the world. Surprisingly they can be killed by a single blow, but if they get a chance to bite they are capable of transmitting a fatal disease to an individual. Mosquitoes transmit illness that is believed to kill a million plus people each year. Serious effects associated with mosquito’s bites include malaria, brain damage, debilitating pain, blindness, yellow fever and also permanent disability.

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Almost half of the world population is believed to be at risk of contracting disease carried by blood-sucking bugs such as mosquitoes, ticks, and sandflies. Thus the World Health Organization highlights the importance of dealing with these dangerous bugs to avoid premature deaths and also for the overall peace of mind. With advanced technology, there are several best mosquito killer machines in the market that use electricity to repel or kill these insects.

Best Mosquito Killing Device under $100

Katchy Indoor Insect Trap Review

The Katchy Indoor Insect Trap is designed to look like a small table lamp that kills mosquitoes, but it does not hurt pets or people around the house. The device is non-toxic and uses electricity to power the UV lights that attract mosquitoes.

The insects then get drawn below the shade into the trap by the fan and finally get zapped. Later you can pull out the tray/grill to dispose of the trapped mosquitoes. The device should be set about 2 feet high and almost 25 feet away from people.

Best Rated Electronic Insect Zapper

Flowtron BK-15D Electronic Insect Killer Review

The Flowtron BK-15D Electronic Insect Killer is an impressive product that looks like a lamp. When powered it produces ultraviolet light that kills mosquitoes and other insects instantly. The insect killer does not affect human but only get rid of vermin and other dangerous flies. The machine is designed to use a 15-watt bulb similar to the traditional lantern pattern. The device is one of the best mosquito killers because of its non-clogging trapping grid feature. Thus the bulbs remain clean free from debris, dirt, and dead insects.

The insect killer machine is one of the most powerful ultrasonic pest repels that is safe to use. The UV is secured with a solid shielding pen keeping roaming children and pets around the compound safe. The electric insect killer should be hanged 4-6 feet high and 25 feet from the area used by people. The recommended time to switch it on is between dusk and daybreak.

Ultimate Indoor Electronic Bug Zapper

Aspectek Electronic Bug Zapper Review

The Aspectek Electronic Bug Zapper is one of the most potent insect’s controller because of its capacity to attract mosquitoes, moths, flies and any other flying insects. The machine uses two Ultra-Violent light bulbs.

The zapper is an indoor insect killing machine that uses the UV bulbs to attract insect and a killing grid that zap the target. The grid emits about 2800 Voltage enough to kill the insects. The machine is chemical free, and it has a mesh screen that protects the family from unexpected accidents.

Moreover, the bug zapper is simple to install as one may choose to hang it on a hook or set it on a solid surface. Finally, the electric grid is self-cleaning while the tray that collects dead insects is washable.

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